Bethel Rural Community Organization's


Legends, Tales & History of Cold Mountain, Book 1, accompanying Bethel Rural Community Organization's first Cold Mountain Heritage Tour in 2005, reflects a brief history of the nine sites on the tour.  

Price:  $5.00 (NC Sales Tax will be added at checkout)

In 2006, Bethel Rural Community Organization's Cold Mountain Heritage Tour was accompanied with Book 2 of Legends, Tales & History of Cold Mountain. The three historic houses featured on the tour are noted for their stories and interesting history as well as for their unique architecture.  Price:  $10.00 (NC Sales Tax will be added at checkout)


Legends, Tales & History of Cold Mountain, Book 3, contains valuable historical information about important people, places, and events in the history of Bethel Community in the mountains of Western North Carolina.  This book accompanied the third Cold Mountain Heritage Tour.   Price:  $10.00

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In Legends, Tales & History of Cold Mountain, Book 4,  several guest writers, in addition to author Evely Coltman, contribute to the book that accompanied the fourth Cold Mountain Heritage Tour in 2008.  Focus also diverts to significant historic sties in Clyde and Waynesville. Price:  $10.00 (NC Sales Tax will be added at checkout)

Accompanying the fifth Cold Mountain Heritage Tour in 2009, Legends, Tales & History of Cold Mountain, Book 5, focuses on Bethel but also ventures into Canton and Waynesville's historic locations.  Price:  $10.00 (NC Sales Tax will be added at checkout)

Included in the 2010 Legends, Tales & History of Cold Mountain, Book 6, are  articles about sites on the sixth Cold Mountain Heritage Tour.

Price:  $10.00 (NC Sales Tax will be added at checkout)







CDs and DVDs


Includes written directions to and descriptions of the 9 tour sites, a map, and stories of the area by local people. You travel at your own pace in your own car.  Please drive safely.

Sponsored by  Haywood County Farm Bureau and Haywood EMC

Walking in the Footsteps of Those Who Came Before Us DVD

Contains 18 segments of  Bethel History

Sponsored by Cold Mountain Nursery, Haywood County Farm Bureau, and Haywood EMC

From New College to Springdale DVD

Cruso's Springdale location provided the setting for an experimental educational project unlike any instructional venture before or since.


Bethel Rural Community Organization (BRCO) conducted the Cold Mountain Heritage Tour from 2005-2011.  The seven-year, ten-site, docent-guided, two-day tours were a marvelous way to instruct locals and visitors about the history of the Cold Mountain region of Bethel.  To allow for further edification about Bethel and Haywood County's people, history, and locations, each year for six years Evelyn Coltman wrote, and the Historic Preservation Committee compiled and printed a new book to accompany the tour.  BRCO wished to capture both oral and documented history with these books; hence, the title for the six books: Legends, Tales & History of Cold Mountain, Books 1 - 6.  In 2010, the NC Society of Historians awarded Evelyn Coltman with the Barringer Award of Excellence for the six volume collection of local history.  BRCO sells the books on-line in ebook format only.

Buy all 6 Books of Legends, Tales & History of Cold Mountain in e-book format for $50.00 (NC Sales Tax will be added at checkout)



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The Fertile Fields of Bethel DVD  

The Fertile Fields of Bethel is the story of the Bethel farmland and the people who are out there working the land every day to feed the people of Western North Carolina...and beyond. Sponsored by Haywood Counnty Farm Bureau and Haywood EMC.





Possum On A Whale is an old time band from Western North Carolina that features Appalachian music played in the traditional style that has characterized the region for generations. The group consists of middle school, high school, and college students. Possum on a Whale has frequented festivals since 2013 and is a popular attraction at every venue .  “Sunburst Sessions” is the first CD for the group and is produced under the direction of Bethel Rural Community Organization’s Historic Preservation Committee by Douglas Chambers Productions. 


Click the Play Button to hear samples of some of the songs

Sunburst and Other Logging Operations in the Bethel & Cold Mountain Region DVD revisits the early 20th Century logging operation on the West Fork of the Pigeon River that resulted in construction of Champion Paper and Fiber (now Evergreen Packaging), a company that has provided substantial employment opportunities for more than a century in Canton, North Carolina. Sponsors include

the following: Carol Litchfield, Evergreen Packaging, Blue Rooster Southern Grill, Lake Logan Conference Center, Peak Dentistry, Nancy Armstrong/Jim Lynn, Evelyn and Richard Coltman, and Maria and Carroll Jones


Important Information on purchase of E-Books.  The Legands, Tales & History of Cold Mountain, Books 1-6 are only available in E-Format.  When you purchase the book(s) on-line you will be sent an email with a link to download the PDF file for the book(s) purchased. Once you have downloaded the file, you may save the file to your computer to read the book or you may print the PDF file to have a hard copy of the book.  E-BOOK ORDERS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE

Price $15.00

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Price $10.00

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Price $20.00

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Price $15.00

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Price $15.00

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Sonoma – Valley of the Moon – Sunburst

Hugh K. Terrell's eighth grade classes at Bethel Junior High School researched the historic Sunburst Logging Village that existed on the West Fork of the Pigeon River in the first quarter of the twentieth century.  Through a series of interviews with those who had lived in Sunburst, the students were able to amalgamate living oral history accounts that allowed the reader to have an intimate perspective about life in a mountain logging town in the early 1900s.

In 1976-1977, students planned the project that would simulate discussions akin to those printed in Rabun Gap Nacoochee School's Foxfire publications. By 1978, students met elderly individuals who thrived on their recollections of their early years at Sunburst.  The subsequent interviews, discussions, photographs, and drawings resulted in an example high quality investigative historical journalism.  

Bethel Rural Community Organization received permission in 2022 from Haywood County School Board to republish this valuable historical account forty-four years after the original publication and almost one hundred years after Sunburst's closure in 1925.

A portion of the proceeds from sale of the book is donated to Bethel Middle School.

Pigeon Valley

Cheryl Inman Haney's eighth grade classes at Bethel Junior High School researched the history of Bethel in a series of interviews, document searches, and visits to locations of historical interest.  The book, Pigeon Valley, is named for the extinct passenger pigeon that once blackened the skies during its migratory route through the area; Pigeon Valley is also an alternate name for Bethel.  

This 1992 publication, the work of twenty-seven students, details information about churches, schools, stores, post offices, mills, mines, individuals, families, houses, diaries, buildings, geographical and geological sites, and events.

In 2008, for the Haywood County Bicentennial, Bethel Rural Community Organization's Historic Preservation Committee received permission from Haywood County School Board to republish the book.  Pat Carr created a Table of Contents.  BRCO donated proceeds to the Bethel Middle School Library.  

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the book is donated to Bethel Middle School.

PRINTED BOOKS - (Shipping and NC Sales Tax will be added at checkout)


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Class Act: A Story of Bethel High School Class of 1953 by Doris Rollins Cannon.

Bethel Rural Community Organization's Historic Preservation Committee received a valuable donation from the family of Doris Rollins Cannon: - her book about her own graduating class at Bethel High School in 1953.  Cannon is known for her award-winning books, Cold Mountain Bomber Crash: The Enduring Legacy and Grabtown Girl: Ava Gardner's North Carolina Childhood and her Enduring Ties to Home. An award-winning newspaper writer for the “Smithfield Herald,” Cannon received sixteen North Carolina Press Association Awards for her writings. A Bethel girl, Cannon was proud of the school that groomed her for her writing career, and her daughter Beth believed that the appropriate place for her mother's books about Bethel School would be the community organization that has worked to preserve Bethel history.  

Cannon's book is a softbound, eighty-page accumulation of details about school memories and beyond concerning every classmate in the Bethel High School Class of '53. Numerous photos lend context to interesting details about each graduate's life that is captured with respect and love through Cannon's artful writing.  Cannon 's stories about the “Four Smoothies,” “From Ramps to Luden's Cough Drops, “and “Yellow Pencil Time” are Cannon's portrayal of nostalgic school day moments from the mid-1900s.  The author also details intriguing mid-century memories with “Hopscotch, Marbles, Red Rover: The Games We Played,” “Buildings in Which We were Educated and Equipment that was Used, “Songs We Loved and Sayings We Said,” and “The Clothes and Makeup We Wore.”  

For anyone who attended Bethel, this review of school in “the good old days” will renew the reader's sense of community and wistful yearning to return to the small rural school of seventy years ago.  For those who did not attend Bethel School, the memorable account that could have been any small school in any place USA will charm.


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